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 Charismatic Movement and Catholic

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3 posters
si popcorn

si popcorn

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Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 11:38 pm

Is charismatic movement (CCR in our church) according to Catholic teaching/doctrin?

Please share? Salam Damai sunny
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 1:28 pm

Still no reply...where is everbody? Im really confuse why in our church got this kind of movement and some Pope say it is heresy. May be you all guys got something to share.
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Jumlah posting : 31
Age : 40
Location : KK
Registration date : 06.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 3:47 pm

Hi Popcorn. Sorry for late reply.

Yes. CCR is not only in the Catholic Doctrine. It was practised as far back during the time of the Apostles.

Here's a good reference for your question.

P.S. CCR is not heresy. No pope has condemned it.
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2007 9:27 pm

Human_Torch wrote:
Hi Popcorn. Sorry for late reply.

Yes. CCR is not only in the Catholic Doctrine. It was practised as far back during the time of the Apostles.

Here's a good reference for your question.

P.S. CCR is not heresy. No pope has condemned it.
hi HT, may be I m confuse with Charismatic Movement / CCR.

p/s: About the pope, may be I read the wrong source. Sorry! See sometime it is important to read the details. SORRY POPE. Embarassed
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2007 10:32 pm

[quote="Human_Torch"]Hi Popcorn. Sorry for late reply.

Yes. CCR is not only in the Catholic Doctrine. It was practised as far back during the time of the Apostles.

Here's a good reference for your question.


Your link stated that...
Quote :
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal as it exists today is the outgrowth from a retreat held in February 1967 of several faculty members and students from Duquesne University. Many of the students - though not all - experienced a movement of God’s Spirit called being “baptized in the Holy Spirit.” The professors had previously been “baptized in the Spirit” a week or two before. God’s action was also prepared for in a very human way by the students’ prayerful preparation in reading the Acts of the Apostles and a book entitled The Cross and the Switchblade[1].

From my understanding, the Charismatic Movement (Protestant) practised during the time of Apostles. But The CCR began after Feb 1967. Please correct me.

Then I found this from the catholic apologist link...
Quote :
The Origin of the present day Charismatic Movement can be traced back to the “holiness movement” which was began in the late 19th century in the united states by the Protestant preacher Charles fox Parham who began preaching (1901) to his topeka congregation that speaking in tongues was objective evidence of baptism in the spirit. After the Los Angeles mission of Parham's apostolic faith sect became the center of a great revival (1906) the movement quickly spread around the world. Over the next two decades the movement split along doctrinal and racial lines. Today the Charismatics generally go by the name of “pentecostalist” although the term “Charismatic” is the more generally used since this sect doesn’t limits beliefs to is own denomination.

The Charismatic movement gained its influence into the post Conciliar Church with the efforts of various individuals such as Cardinal Suenens and Kevin Ranaghan who helped deceived a number of well meaning Catholics into thinking this would be a great way of being united with those outside the Church while learning to “experience the holy spirit”. The Catholic Promoters of this Pentecostal movement have been moved far from orthodox in their faith (2 Thess 2:14). That is why Archbishop Dwyer, of Portland, Oregon, in a scathing criticism of the charismatic movement, warned in 1974: "We regard it bluntly as one of the most dangerous trends in the Church in our time, closely allied in spirit with other disruptive and divisive movements threatening grave harm to unity and damager to countless souls."

Charismatic Movement and False Ecumenism

Let us also be greatly aware that this Charismatic Movement in the Catholic Church is founded on a sin against the Faith. As Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow, S.T.D points out, "A Catholic sins against Faith by taking part in non-Catholic worship, because he thus professes belief in a religion he knows to be false." This is because participation in Non Catholic worship has always been forbid (See Canon’s 1258,1063,2319,1325 of the 1917 code of Canon Law). Yet by the admission of Catholic Charismatic pioneer, Kevin Ranaghan, the movement began with Catholics performing the grotesque ritual of seeking a spiritual blood transfusion from the dead corpse of Protestantism, and proclaiming that God "filled them to overflowing with the spirit" for doing so. Such collaborating and "seeking the holiness of the Holy Spirit" from anathematized heretics cannot be a religious movement truly of God but rather diabolic Movement of deception. While no one claims that those who belong to this Movement are necessarily all evil or persons of ill intent, yet this is beside the point. Since the movement itself is founded on principles that contradict the Faith.

The false notion of Ecumenical worship as proclaimed by the Charismatic Movement was long ago condemned by Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII who (basing their teaching on the unchanging tradition of the Church rather than the progressive novelties of liberal theologians) warned against the dangers of interfaith activity. Pius XI in Mortalium Animos taught that though St. John recounted Our Lord's prayer "that all may be one", as well as Christ's command "to love one another", "nevertheless, he (St. John) strictly forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupted form of Christ's teaching. For 'If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into thy house, nor say to him, God speed you."

Pope Pius XI further castigated interfaith projects, stating, "...It is clear that the Apostolic See can by no means take part in these assemblies, nor is it in any way lawful for Catholics to give such enterprises their encouragement or support. If they did so, they would be giving countenance to a false Christianity, quite alien to the one Church of Christ" (Moralium Animos, Jan 6, 1928).

The Charismatic movement being a product of such forbidden activities needed to acquire the mock-sacrament of a false religion (“baptism in the spirit”) for its impetus. Hence it acts in haughty disdain of Pius XI's directives.

Please enlighten me...God Speed! cheers
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Jumlah posting : 31
Age : 40
Location : KK
Registration date : 06.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeTue Oct 09, 2007 1:32 pm

Hi Popcorn. Can you tell me where did you get the above quote? If it's from Pre vatican II sources, then ada lain crita sikit...

We don't have to look on how they got the name (CCR). Dulu2 pun the 12 Apostles pun mmg charismatic selepas dorang terima Roh Kudus.

Charismatic praise and worship tidak diamalkan di benua Eropah pada zaman awal hingga pertengahan. So it's a coincidence yg Protestants yg kasi revive balik. But believe me it was practiced during the time of the apostles lagi..
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeWed Oct 10, 2007 1:15 am

Human_Torch wrote:
Hi Popcorn. Can you tell me where did you get the above quote? If it's from Pre vatican II sources, then ada lain crita sikit...

We don't have to look on how they got the name (CCR). Dulu2 pun the 12 Apostles pun mmg charismatic selepas dorang terima Roh Kudus.

Charismatic praise and worship tidak diamalkan di benua Eropah pada zaman awal hingga pertengahan. So it's a coincidence yg Protestants yg kasi revive balik. But believe me it was practiced during the time of the apostles lagi..
Hi HT...thanks for your reply. I know you a bit busy last week. heheeeheh

Please enlighten si popcorn scratch on this isu.
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeMon Nov 05, 2007 10:53 pm

Human_Torch wrote:

We don't have to look on how they got the name (CCR). Dulu2 pun the 12 Apostles pun mmg charismatic selepas dorang terima Roh Kudus.

Charismatic praise and worship tidak diamalkan di benua Eropah pada zaman awal hingga pertengahan. So it's a coincidence yg Protestants yg kasi revive balik. But believe me it was practiced during the time of the apostles lagi..

dear HT, Salam Damai...
Saya masih menanti lanjutan daripada komen anda. Maafkan saya kerana banyak bertanya. Maklumlah kurang pengetahuan tentang iman seorang Katolik.
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Jumlah posting : 2
Registration date : 23.08.08

Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitimeSat Aug 23, 2008 7:15 am

Catholic Charismatic Renewal atau lebih dikenali CCR merupakan golongan umat katolik yang menggunakan sepenuhnya karunia-karunia yang diberikan oleh Tuhan kepada mereka. Contoh-contoh karunia ialah bahasa roh, nubuat, membezakan roh jahat dan baik, dan sebagainya. Kebiasaannya, mereka akan menyanyikan lagu puji-pujian dan menyembah Tuhan semasa berdoa. CCR juga berperanan dalam memberi pengetahuan kepada umat yang bakal menerima sakramen penguatan dibawah bimbingan paderi... itu yang saya tau la Very Happy
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Charismatic Movement and Catholic Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Charismatic Movement and Catholic   Charismatic Movement and Catholic Icon_minitime

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Charismatic Movement and Catholic
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