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..kamu akan menerima kuasa, kalau Roh Kudus turun ke atas kamu, dan kamu akan menjadi saksi-Ku.. (Kis 1:8)
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 What will you do?

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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

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PostSubyek: What will you do?   What will you do? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 15, 2007 7:23 pm

Dear all,

If you have friend who convert to other faith, what will you do? Why I ask this, coz nowdays there are many faithful surrender their faith and convert to the side. Why actually?!

Please share!
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Jumlah posting : 31
Age : 40
Location : KK
Registration date : 06.08.07

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PostSubyek: Re: What will you do?   What will you do? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2007 1:13 am

Woah..a profound question. I'll try to answer lah kio..

Yes. It is a very serious matter today that many leave their faith to follow other beliefs. There are some factors that lead to this case.

It depends on how they were taught about the faith (Christianity) during their early years. Most of them, especially Catholics, do not know why they must do certain traditions and follow some rituals. Because the lack of understanding, they will start to enquire whether the faith that they followed is a true one or a trick. In the progress of searching the truth, they will draw themselves to other faiths. With lack faith, it'll be easier for him/her to be carried away if someone from other faith inspires him/her to follow them (other faith).

There's nothing much we can do to those who already converted to other faiths/beliefs. All that we can do is to pray that the person will someday find the truth in Jesus Christ Our Saviour. If you have a friend who discerns to submit him/herself to the other side, you can still prevent that from happening. Remember, as a Christian, you cannot journey alone. You need someone by your side to search for the truth. A firm foundation

Pax Tecum
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si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

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PostSubyek: Re: What will you do?   What will you do? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2007 1:37 pm

Human_Torch wrote:
Woah..a profound question. I'll try to answer lah kio..

Yes. It is a very serious matter today that many leave their faith to follow other beliefs. There are some factors that lead to this case.

It depends on how they were taught about the faith (Christianity) during their early years. Most of them, especially Catholics, do not know why they must do certain traditions and follow some rituals. Because the lack of understanding, they will start to enquire whether the faith that they followed is a true one or a trick. In the progress of searching the truth, they will draw themselves to other faiths. With lack faith, it'll be easier for him/her to be carried away if someone from other faith inspires him/her to follow them (other faith).

There's nothing much we can do to those who already converted to other faiths/beliefs. All that we can do is to pray that the person will someday find the truth in Jesus Christ Our Saviour. If you have a friend who discerns to submit him/herself to the other side, you can still prevent that from happening. Remember, as a Christian, you cannot journey alone. You need someone by your side to search for the truth. A firm foundation

Pax Tecum
They convert to other faith (non-christian) not because of their faith alone. Most of the case is marrige and rewards.

I wonder why they convert to other faith, especially those convert to non-christian? Do they really believe where they are now?
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