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..kamu akan menerima kuasa, kalau Roh Kudus turun ke atas kamu, dan kamu akan menjadi saksi-Ku.. (Kis 1:8)
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 When you meet the Protestan.

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2 posters
si popcorn

si popcorn

Jumlah posting : 60
Location : mantad kampung sarayoh nga haro ma internet...
Registration date : 08.08.07

When you meet the Protestan. Empty
PostSubyek: When you meet the Protestan.   When you meet the Protestan. Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2007 2:03 pm

Dear all, this morning 16 Aug 2007 I met with a good man, very good man. He is very strong Christian. He is not Catholic but I consider him "protestant" (from GCC). I respected him so much eventhough I just met him. He talked about our christian faith. I don't expect this as he hold title Datuk.

Well, dipendekkan cerita...He talked about his church The GCC at Damai. Wow! how impress I am.

Dipendekkan cerita lagi...He invite me to join their church. Wow!!!! Afterthat, he started to say something opposite about Catholic teaching.
I know and well informed if protestant want to say about Catholic they will say the opposite side. Like;
1. Infant Baptism
2. Purgutory
3. Confession
4. Mary
5. Eucharist
I keep myself relax. I got the answer but I can't express it out. After 40 years with Catholic, now he try to against.

Well, I got his business card and some flyer. I promise to him that I will share this to my friend and thats it.

I respected him so much. But if he want to invite me to his house, don't complaint about my own house. I REALLY LOVE MY HOUSE eventhough not well maintain enough.
If he think that I would come to his house by complaining about my own, dream on.

Afterall, I wish all our youth will educate themself about their own faith. We must learn how to depend our faith.

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Jumlah posting : 31
Age : 40
Location : KK
Registration date : 06.08.07

When you meet the Protestan. Empty
PostSubyek: Re: When you meet the Protestan.   When you meet the Protestan. Icon_minitimeThu Aug 16, 2007 3:05 pm

I agree with you popcorn.

Very true. Kita sebagai umat Katolik perlu tahu mengenai iman kita. Kita akan seringkali ditanya tentang apa yang kita amalkan di dalam gereja.

Many of Catholic traditions and rituals began before the complement of the Bible. So, it's actually hard to find references on our tradition in the Holy Book. But if you really look into it, our Catholic tradition was actually biblical. Believe me, I didn't realize that the Sign of the Cross was actually in the Sacred Scripture until a church friend of mine talked about it. If somebody objects the Eucharist, he/she is actually neglecting God's greatest gift to them.

We Catholics are known to be calm; although we're been doctrine-attacked, we don't counter-attack. Not because we do not know, but because we know that we're following the truth. In the meantime however, I encourage everyone to read some Catholic books on Catholic teachings and traditions. It'll be handy and you'll be ready when others ask you about our faith. Di Internet pun banyak tu. Pakai ja google search.. Wink

If a protestant asks you about our faith, treat him/her gently, although he/she might argue on Catholic teachings. Don't lose you cool when you're talking to them.

Lastly, don't forget to pray for them.

Pax tecum.
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When you meet the Protestan.
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